TRY MY FREE TRANSFORMATION: I am connected and lovable

Dansk 🇩🇰 →

Hi, I'm Halle Malinah.

I'm a transformational teacher and therapist, and I would love to help you to shine with happiness

I'M a specialist IN:



Human insight

Before I found kundalini yoga, I experienced my sensitivity as a disability. Today I see it as a gift, that has led me to discover the most beautiful healing tools. When I started my personal development, I found it difficult to understand my feelings or to put them into words, but after a lifetime of personal development, and transformation, I have reached a deep understanding of the human mind. My deep compassion, allows me to create a safe and loving space for you, where there is room for you to open up and to feel safe.

ways I can help you

I combine the best from..

▶︎ Yin and Kundalini Yoga to regulate, release and rewire your nervous system.

▶︎ RTT and hypnotherapy to find the root case of your problem, clean and reprogram your subconscious mind.

▶︎ Shamanic wisdom and ceremony to bring you to a harmonious union and presence.

▶︎ Innocence and playfulness to make it fun, pleasant and vitalizing to work on your self.

▶︎ Sound and vibration to show you the door to your inner and guide you across the bridge to the energetic world.

sound &vibration

A bridge to the energetic world

Through sacred sound we can communicate with different layers of existence the sacred natural world around us to within us.

The more we experience sound, and practice to listen and connect through sound and vibration, the more we learn that sound is a great and powerful teacher and healer. 

In my work I offer sound harmonizations with planetary gongs, tibetan and crystal bowls, drum, flutes and more. I love to use intuitive vocal sound healing, and I use my sound to connect and read energetic objects and places and teach others how to work with sound.

Founder of YogaRollinger Children's Yoga

For a decade, it has been my greatest mission to bring children's yoga into Danish schools, institutions and sports associations. I have trained more than 1,200 children's yoga teachers in Denmark via my company YogaRollinger. Here I also created the concept Hero Yoga, which has become particularly popular with the Danish day care providers.

Women's Circles

From my home in Denmark I host playful and transformational women's circles, where I hold space for meditation, dance, spiritual rituals and self development. The circle is a sacred space for sharing and coming together as a community of friends. It is also a safe space to explore our spiritual gifts like intuitive voicing, clairvoyance and powerful guided visualization. I like to also introduce energetic communication and exchange with crystals or connect through water or cacao ceremonies.

Kundalini Yoga Aquarian Teacher 

I fell head over heals in love with kundalini yoga, because it's a very powerful and fast transformative yoga. Before I found kundalini yoga, I felt very much as a victim of my own sensitivity, but with kundalini yoga I learned to transform my sensitivity to strength. I still teach a weekly kundalini class, and many of my students in this class have followed me for years, and I love our community and connection.

Shamanic wisdom 

Ever since I was a child, I have had a deep fascination of native wisdom and rituals. My curiosity has taken me on many spiritual journeys around the world, and I have studied shamanic traditions from both The Amazonas, The Andes, North America and the Nordic Scandinavian traditions. My greatest teacher is nature itself. To just be present and observe, listen and connect is more powerful than anything. I believe we live in the age of he Eagle and the Condor, and the technological science has to merge with the native wisdom to bring forth a new era of peace, where we reconnect in a more conscious relationship with our planet and biological balance with all life here.


RTT & Hypnotherapy

Finding RTT, was very similar to finding kundalini yoga. It was love at first audio. I suddenly understood how important it is, to instal the new mental programming. It's not enough to release somatically through yoga. We also need to rewire the mind and teach it NEW POSITIVE WORDS too. Words make our world. I love offering RTT, hypnotherapy session online via zoom. It's perfect to do it online in the comfort of your own home, and you can reach me from all over the world.

learn more about RTT →


